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API for LIVE resource


This section describes API methods for creating, deleting and configurations changing of your resources.

All the responses (including errors) return in JSON Format.


  1. You can make not more than 20 API requests (POST, PUT, PATCH) every minute. When the limit is reached, a response with the status code 200 will be received:
    {"status": "error", "message": "Rate limit exceeded", "description": "Request is forbidden"}
  2. There is a limit of 100 resources. If you need more resources, please contact your personal manager or support.

Find below examples for monitoring and configuring of the options in connection with Live streaming service.

RTMP/RTSP-publish and SRT-publish

API description

To receive the full publication links, you have to combine live resource parameters, received via GET-request.





Examples of links for publication:



Example of link for stream distribution:


API description

To receive the full streaming links, you have to combine live resource parameters, received via GET-request, and path to stream playlist.


Example of CDN-links:

Get stream information

General information

This API provides an interface to get information about streams.

The API allows to get information about the status of the stream and the time when the stream appears on the server.


There is a limit on the number of API calls: no more than 10 requests per minute.

API description